4th February 2020

Dear Parents & Nippers

We have lots of exciting news to cover for this first newsletter of 2020. Fishhoek Nippers have had some fantastic accomplishments over the past couple of weeks, and there are some great activities to look forward to.

Message from your Nipper Officer – Allie Absalom

It is a huge honour and privilege to be able to see this amazing transformation within our nipper family. As the saying goes…”we might have our differences but when we need to pull together, we do it so well. “
A huge thank you to Bronwyn and her team for getting this newsletter out its amazing.
An official welcome to all our new parents. I hope your stay will be a long one.
Remember we at Fishhoek can proudly place our hands on our chest and say…we are from a tiny village on the south Peninsula, but our powerful voices can be heard as far up in the north coast of KZN.

Thank you to our coaches, parents and committee members for steering this Nipper ship in a direction of unity and strength.

Milnerton Surf Lifesaving Competition

Fishhoek Nippers took part in this competition on Sunday 26th January. The conditions were tough, but our Nippers showed true courage and strength, and never gave up! The events covered included Beach Flags, Long Run, Boards and Run-Swim-Run. The u14’s were the only age-group to complete the board event, before the conditions caused this event to be cancelled. Congratulations to all those Nippers who took part in this competition. The final results were as follows:

1st – Llundudno – 344 points
2nd – Fishhoek – 331 points
3rd – Clifton – 209 points

Western Cape Stillwater Championships

Fishhoek Nippers also took part in our first ever Stillwater competition on Saturday 25th January. The competition was held at the Atlantis Municipal Pool. Our Nippers rose to the challenge in typical Fishhoek style, and constantly graced the podium with their presence, taking overall 1st place by a comfortable lead.

Street Collection

Fishhoek Nippers took part in the annual Lifeguard Street Collection on Saturday 25th January. They dressed the part and fun was had by all. Overall, we collected R9958.55 with the most collected by Jandro Rojo-Roos and Max Dutton. Congratulations and thank you for taking part.

Bridgehouse Mile

Some of our Fishhoek Nippers took part in the Bridgehouse Mile held at Boschendal Estate on the 1st February. The events ranged from a 400m swim to a complete mile. A fun day was had by all. Congratulations to all the nippers who took part.

Upcoming Events:

• Strand Competition – This will take place on Sunday 16th February. Entries close on 13th February, so please make sure you have entered via the Management System

• Western Province Champs – This will take place on Saturday 29th February and Sunday 1st March at Hout Bay. Entries close on 27th February. Entries are open via the Management System. More information will be sent out about this in the next week.

• SA Champs – This is the culmination of all the hard work the Nippers have put in over the season. This year the SA Champs will take place at Kings Beach, Port Elizabeth from the 18th -21st March. Entries close on 20th February. Entries are open via the Management System. More information will be sent out about this in the next week.


As we head towards the final competitions of the season, training becomes more and more important. Please note the following times for training for the remainder of the season:
• Sunday beach training: 10:30 – 12:30 – All age-groups, all nippers (Micro and Starfish 10:30-11:30)
• Tuesday beach training: 17:30 – 18:30 – All age-groups, all nippers
• Wednesday Pool training: 17:00 – 18:00 – All age-groups, all nippers
• Thursday beach training: 17:30 – 18:30 – All age-groups, qualified nippers only

Hot Chocolate

We would really appreciate it if everyone who attends Tuesday and Thursday training could please donate at least 1 x 500g container of hot chocolate and 2L of milk. If you know of any organisation/retailer/wholesaler who can donate towards this, that would also be fantastic. Our nippers really love their hot choc when they come out the water on a cold evening! Thank you.
If any parents are able to assist with the serving of hot chocolate, please contact Katya at the club on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.

Very important safety notice!!!

Parents please note that Nippers is not a drop and go activity. Safety is a huge concern of ours, and we need you to be watching your child while he or she is in the sea. We also need to know where you are in case we need you.

Here are the rules re leaving your child at the beach:
• Starfish & Micros: You need to stay with your child for the whole session, and either watch or get involved with the training session.
• Unqualified nippers: If your nipper has not completed their pool test and passed the nipper exam, they are not considered safe on the beach at all. You need to stay with your child and either watch or get involved with the training session.
• Qualified nippers: Your child is considered safe on the beach, so you may designate another adult to be responsible for him/her during training. However, your child needs to know exactly who is watching them and where they are in case we need them.
• U9/u10’s: All u9’s and u10’s are to wear their pink vest to training.

Notice for U8 Micros

Next year when you move up to U9, you will need to be able to swim 12 lengths of a 25m pool in under 8 minutes, before you can take your exam and enter competitions. Please start working towards this now! Many of our U9s have been disappointed to not qualify to take the nipper exam yet, as they couldn’t complete their swim time. If you start extra swimming lessons and start working on this now, it will be much easier for you next November.

To all the moms and dads who would like to get more involved with the Fishhoek Nipper family, please get in touch to find out how. We would love to have you join us. Because as they say, “Show me a successful Nipper and I’ll show you a dedicated parent”!

See you on the beach!
The Fishhoek Nipper Team

Dates to Diarize
· Sunday 9th February: Final Nipper Exam
· Sunday 16th February: Comp #3 hosted by Strand Surf @ Strand
· Saturday 29th February: Western Province Champs – Day 1 @ Hout Bay
· Sunday 1st March: Western Province Champs – Day 2 @ Hout Bay
· SA Champs – 19 March – 21 March @ Kings Beach, Port Elizabeth