11th February 2020

Dear Parents & Nippers

This newsletter holds some very important, and exciting information. Please take the time to read each section carefully, so that you, and your Nipper, do not miss out on any action.

Message from your Nipper Officer – Allie Absalom

“As we are going into the busy part of the season, I just want us to reflect as to why we do what we do. This is my reason for being here and I am sure we all have something in common. So here goes..

Why I chose to be a coach.

I chose to be a coach to bring out the best in every child no matter their abilities, strengths and weaknesses.
I chose to be a coach to allow a child to experience the height of growth, self-confidence, respect and friendship.
I chose to be a coach to allow a child to experience a sense of unity and feel part of a team.
I chose to be a coach to always do my best to bring out the best in every child.
I chose to be a coach to experience a sense of belonging in a bigger team.
I chose to be a coach to pass on knowledge and to receive knowledge in return.
I chose to be a coach to prepare and allow our children to compete to the best that they can.
I chose to be a coach so that every child can build character and life skills that they take with them as they get older.
I chose to be a coach so that I can learn from every child in order to grow.
I chose to a coach so that i can share, learn and grow from my fellow respected coaches
Most of all I chose to be a coach so that each child can’t wait for their next session to start with me…”

Our newly qualified Nippers
Congratulations to our newly qualified nippers who successfully completed their exams at Clifton 4th Beach on Sunday. A wonderful achievement, that shows dedication and commitment, both from candidates, their coaches, and of course, their supportive parents.
Lucinda Vermaak Under 10
Nina Bakker Under 12
Jahnavi Syama Luke Under 14

Strand Competition – 16th February 2020
Excitement is building to our eagerly anticipated nipper competition at Strand Beach. Training is in full swing and our nippers are raring to go. Don’t forget the extra training sessions at the beach this week Tuesday and Thursday from 5:30-6:30 for all those competing this weekend.
Please make sure you have registered your excited qualified nipper for this competition BEFORE Thursday 13th February. You can enter via the Management System . If you need any help with registration, please see the section on registration further down the newsletter.
If you have registered your nipper, please make sure you have joined the WhatsApp group here: https://chat.whatsapp.com/ETst8VTS11Y5nlIcQXJgjf All the info you need to know for the competition is in the description of the WhatsApp group.
Looking forward to seeing our Fishhoek Nippers strutting their stuff at Strand.

Training this Sunday, 16th February
Please note that there will be no training for Micro’s and Starfish, as well as the u10’s, u12’s and u14’s this coming Sunday, due to both the competition at Strand, as well as the road closures for the South Peninsula Marathon. Training will resume as per normal on Tuesday for the u10’s, u12’s and u14’s, and on Sunday for the Micro’s and Starfish.

Upcoming Events:

  • Western Province Champs – This will take place on Saturday 29th February and Sunday 1st March at Hout Bay. Entries close on 27th February. Entries are open via the Management System. More information will be sent out about this in the next week.
  • SA Champs briefing and campout – 14th March: We’re going bigger and better this year with our briefing and kit handout for SA Champs. Come and camp with your family for the night at Imhoffs and enjoy a final fun training session, boerie rolls and lots of fun as we celebrate the hard work that has gone into this season.
    This event is for all nippers competing at SA Champs.
    R80 per person per night or R20 per day visitor.
    Boerie Rolls will be provided for on Saturday lunch, outside of this please cater for yourself. Braai drums and wood will be provided.
    Please note that parents are responsible for the care for their own children during the duration of this event.
    Please RSVP to this event via the Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1052927655076200/
  • SA Champs – This is the culmination of all the hard work the Nippers have put in over the season. This year the SA Champs will take place at Kings Beach, Port Elizabeth from the 18th -21st March. Entries close on 20th February. Entries are open via the Management System. More information will be sent out about this in the next week.


As we head towards the final competitions of the season, training becomes more and more important. Please note the following times for training for the remainder of the season:
• Sunday beach training: 10:30 – 12:30 – All age-groups, all nippers (Micro and Starfish 10:30-11:30)
• Tuesday beach training: 17:30 – 18:30 – All age-groups, all nippers
• Wednesday Pool training: 17:00 – 18:00 – All age-groups, all nippers
• Thursday beach training: 17:30 – 18:30 – All age-groups, qualified nippers only

Kit Update
Jammers that were ordered last year will be ready on Thursday for collection from the club. Please make sure payment has been made (eft or payment via sage pay only).

Parka’s will be arriving early next week.

Jammers that were ordered this year will be arriving in two weeks.

Pink vests and skull caps are ready for collection. Please make sure your payments have been made before collecting. If you have not ordered yet, please order online (we do have some extra stock).

For those who have ordered full pieces, unfortunately we will not be placing an order this year. It was a hard decision, but the design provided will not work well for lifesaving. We are in discussions with Nahoon bikini to do our full piece for next season. I will be processing credit notes for the full pieces ordered. If you have paid for them already, you have a choice to either be refunded or leave on your account for next year or to be offset against any other items.

SA champs kit sizing order form will go out this week. Please can we get these in by Saturday at the latest so orders can be placed on Monday. Please can you only fill in these forms if you kids are going to SAs, as this makes up the kit provided by club. There is no cost for this.

For those of you that have not ordered kit, or ordered a one piece, we still have stock of our old bathers (although limited sizing). If there is nothing in the old style, then we ask that you please wear plan black to blend in with the team. For those going to SA champs please come and see me.

Check list for those parents new to competing:
Club or black jammers/racers (speedos)
Black shorts and club t-shirt hoodie (in any of the past designs)
If you don’t have club t-shirts or hoodie yet, please wear club colours – black/ blue or white.
One pieces only although two pieces can be worn under your one pieces (only club colours allowed).
We have old two pieces at club for R50.
If you don’t have club bather – then plain black.
For those that want to wear ski pants – black only.
Black shorts, club shirts or hoodies.
If you don’t have club gear – please wear club colours.

Supporters kit will be coming out soon. Sizing samples will be available for trying on this week.

Message from the Craft Manager

We are fortunate at Fish Hoek to have a substantial craft fleet. However, we need to start taking better care of our fleet. In the past month and a half alone, we have had to repair over half our boards. It is essential that all nippers and their parents start taking extra care of our craft. We do not want to find ourselves in a position where we can no longer afford to supply boards to our nippers.

  1. Please help the nippers to get the boards in and out of the shed.
  2. Please help your children to put the boards back into the shed and not leave them lying around in the yard. If a nipper has used a board, he/she is responsible for returning a board into the shed, no excuses!
  3. Ensure that the bungs are removed when putting the boards back.
  4. Make sure that the boards are packed into the shed from the back, if we leave spaces between boards, all the boards will not fit.
  5. Do not leave boards outside the shed or on the beach, all the boards must be put away in their designated spot.
  6. Do not drag the boards on the beach unnecessarily, rather lift the boards and carry them. Exceptions are only made during training, when dragging the board into the water.
  7. Damaged boards:
    a. All the boards have numbers on them, please tell your coach, Carla or Giuseppe if a board is damaged.
    b. We will place an orange or white cable tie around the handle and place it on the far right of the shed against the wall.
    c. Please ensure that boards with cable ties are not taken out for training.
  8. Use of boards is strictly a club member privilege, Nippers may not utilise them for friends who are not club members, unless under supervision of a coach.
  9. Only nippers who have had board training are allowed to use the boards – please remember that this is costly equipment and the skills to use the equipment needs to be learned under the leadership of a coach.
  10. Different board sizes apply to different weights, please make sure that you are aware of which board is the correct one for you to use. Incorrect equipment can easily lead to loss of control and board damage.
  11. Body Boards are to be rinsed and neatly stacked.

Please look after our fleet, these boards are expensive to replace and repair. Parents please ensure your nipper is aware of the above.

Happy boarding

Hot Chocolate

We would really appreciate it if everyone who attends Tuesday and Thursday training could please donate at least 1 x 500g container of hot chocolate and 2L of long life milk. If you know of any organisation/retailer/wholesaler who can donate towards this, that would also be fantastic. Our nippers really love their hot choc when they come out the water on a cold evening! Thank you.
If any parents are able to assist with the serving of hot chocolate, please contact Katya at the club on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.

Micros and Starfish

Our MicroNipper and Starfish groups are growing in numbers, and confidence, with every training session. In order to keep the training at the level that Fishhoek prides itself on, and to keep the safety as top priority, we need to get some more parents involved. If you would like to become more involved in helping these little ones, whether it be as a coach or as an assistant, please contact the Micro and Starfish Manager, Lauren Hudson, on 082-375-1666.

Notice for U8 Micros

Next year when you move up to U9, you will need to be able to swim 12 lengths of a 25m pool in under 8 minutes, before you can take your exam and enter competitions. Please start working towards this now! Many of our U9s have been disappointed to not qualify to take the nipper exam yet, as they couldn’t complete their swim time. If you start extra swimming lessons and start working on this now, it will be much easier for you next November.

To all the moms and dads who would like to get more involved with the Fishhoek Nipper family, please get in touch to find out how. We would love to have you join us. Because as they say, “Show me a successful Nipper and I’ll show you a dedicated parent”!

Very important safety notice!!!

Parents please note that Nippers is not a drop and go activity. Safety is a huge concern of ours, and we need you to be watching your child while he or she is in the sea. We also need to know where you are in case we need you.

Here are the rules re leaving your child at the beach:

  • Starfish & Micros: You need to stay with your child for the whole session, and either watch or get involved with the training session.
  • Unqualified nippers: If your nipper has not completed their pool test and passed the nipper exam, they are not considered safe on the beach at all. You need to stay with your child and either watch or get involved with the training session.
  • Qualified nippers: Your child is considered safe on the beach, so you may designate another adult to be responsible for him/her during training. However, your child needs to know exactly who is watching them and where they are in case we need them.
  • U9/u10’s: All u9’s and u10’s are to wear their pink vest to training.

See you on the beach!
The Fishhoek Nipper Team

Dates to Diarize
· Sunday 16th February: Comp #3 hosted by Strand Surf @ Strand
· Saturday 29th February: Western Province Champs – Day 1 @ Hout Bay
· Sunday 1st March: Western Province Champs – Day 2 @ Hout Bay
· SA Champs – 19 March – 21 March @ Kings Beach, Port Elizabeth