Fish Hoek Nippers is a part of the Fish Hoek Surf Lifesaving Club

Enquire about joining

Please enter your child on the list below and we will send you some information

Try it out

The Starfish and MicroNipper agegroups are at capacity for the 2023/2024 season. Please enter your details below to be placed on the waiting list.

Training takes places every Sunday during the summer months (Oct – Apr) 

Bring your potential Nipper (u9-14) down to a Sunday training session.

For Micro’s and Starfish, please use the enquiry form above, as spaces are limited. 

Click here to see our training times. 

Get to the beach with plenty of time to spare. Find a team member who will direct you to the correct coach for your Nipper. 

Become a member

Once you and your Nipper are “hooked”, sign up to become a member of Fish Hoek Surf Lifesaving Club. This will allow your Nipper access to the club, all the training sessions, and the ability to represent Fish Hoek Lifesaving Club at all the competitions. 

For assistance with registration, contact


Become part of the family!

Fish Hoek Nippers is a family orientated club. 

The Nippers Program is run by volunteers and parents are encouraged to get actively involved. Whether you want to get involved in the coaching, crafts, maintenance, events, or helping in the tuckshop, there is a place for you!

Speak to the coaches to find out how you can get involved in being part of the family!