23rd September 2020

Dear Parents & Nippers

Message from your Vice-Nipper Officer – Nikki Mocke

“It has been so wonderful to see all the kids out in the water again, come rain or shine the kids are there en masse! Thank you to the parent’s commitment to their kids for bringing them to training. A dedicated nipper needs a dedicated parent.” – Nikki

The 2020/2021 Season is now underway!

We are so pleased to announce that with Level 1 being introduced in South Africa on the 21st September 2020, so training for our Nippers can officially begin. However, COVID-19 is still with us, so we need to ask parents and Nippers to please adhere to all the COVID-19 protocols.

The guidelines given to us by Lifesaving South Africa are as follows:
• Clubs are open for members with restricted access and social distancing protocols.
• Shower and Changeroom facilities to be sanitized daily before use and frequently throughout the day.
• No more than 8 persons may be in the changerooms at any time, subject to social distancing within the area.
• No members who are 60 years or older and those who may have comorbidities.
• No congregation at any body of water, and all members to follow social distancing regulations (2m) and the wearing of face masks off the water as well.
• Events as per regulations

For this reason, we ask that all Nippers (and parent in-water assistants) arrive for training in their bathers and/or wetsuits and leave all belongings in their vehicles. Please limit the number of people on the club grounds. Nippers are not to enter the storage area to take boards out. These boards will be placed outside by parent volunteers.

Nipper Training for our u9-u14 will kick off this coming Sunday. Starfish and Micro’s will begin on the 4th October.

Bring a friend October

We will be having an extended Open Day this season, by running a “Bring a friend October”. Training will take place every Sunday, from 10:30 – 12:30 at Fish Hoek Surf Lifesaving Club. We challenge all our Nippers to bring as many friends as possible for the 4 October weekends. Let’s encourage as many people as possible to join the fantastic sport of Lifesaving, and let’s grow our Fish Hoek Nippers Family.

Age-Group WhatsApp Groups

Most of our communications are done using the relevant age-group WhatsApp groups, so it is important for parents to be on the correct groups.
Please use the following guide to see which group your Nipper will be in this year:

Under 10 Age Group (The Yellow Nelson)

Age 1st October: 8 or 9 years old

Click on this link to add yourself to this age group.

Under 12 Age Group (The Pink Nelson)

Age 1st October: 10 or 11 years old

Click on this link to add yourself to this group.

Under 14 Age Group (The Orange Nelson)

Age 1st October: 12 or 13 years old

Click on this link to add yourself to this group.

Starfish and MicroNippers

Please contact info@fishhoeksurf.com to be added to your WhatsApp group.

The following training times take effect on 1st October 2020:
  • Sunday beach training:
    • u10’s, u12’s, u14’s: 10:30 – 12:30
    • Micro and Starfish: 10:30-11:30
  • Tuesday beach training:
    • u10’s, u12’s, u14’s: 17:30 – 18:30

Membership Costs and Details

The membership costs and details for the 2020/2021 Season will be released shortly after the Virtual AGM. Please keep an eye on the WhatsApp groups, and the website for these details.

Club Website

We are pleased to announce that we have a new club website. We have been working hard to make sure that the website information is easy to find and kept up to date.
The website can be found at www.fishhoeksurf.com

The Fish Hoek Nippers can also be found on Social Media. Please follow and share, share, share!
Click on the icons below to find the Nippers social media:

Upcoming Events:

  • Bring a friend October – October Sundays, 10:30 – 12:30
  • Inter-Club friendly with Llundudno – 25th October 2020
  • Nipper Classic – 15th November 2020

We look forward to seeing our Nipper family on the beach!

Kindest Regards,

 The Fish Hoek Nipper Team