Nippers Newsletter
18th August 2020
Dear Parents & Nippers

Message from your Nipper Officer
“Coming together is a beginning.
Working together is progress.
Staying together is success!
Yip! We are up and running to get our nipper season going!
As we begin Covid-19 Level Two, our focus is on welcoming our nippers back on the beach and making sure that all the safety regulations are in place.
The 2020/2021 season promises to be an exciting one and we cannot wait to share all the exciting plans with our nipper family.
That been said, I am excited and blessed to announce that Nikki Mocke will be assisting me as Vice-Nipper Officer. She has already come up with some fantastic ideas for 2020/2021.
One of our focuses this season is to get more parents involved at Nipper level. My humble request to our parents is to please see where you can assist, no matter how big or small your assistance will be. I promise you that your help will contribute to making this season memorable and unforgettable for our nippers.
Hoping to see you all soon.
Stay healthy, stay safe.” – Allie
Welcome to the 2020/2021 season
Welcome to a new season of Nippers at Fish Hoek Surf. We have big plans and vision for the 2020/2021 season adjusting to ‘new normals’ as we go.
New Season Coaches
Our coaches for this season have been finalized and are already planning fun and exciting activities for when the season kicks off! Here are your coaches for the 2020/2021 season:
Micro’s and Starfish: Coach Karin and Coach Jimmy
U9 and U10 – Coach Gus, Coach Sean and Coach Bron
U11 and U12 – Coach Nikki, Coach Andre and Coach Lee
U13 and U14 – Coach Julian, Coach Denver and Coach Chris
WhatsApp Groups
While we wait to hear from Lifesaving South Africa (LSA) regarding the official opening of the 2020/2021 season we are getting started with the new Nipper WhatsApp Groups.
At the start of a new season there is always a lot of movement within the various club WhatsApp groups. From an administrative perspective, the easiest way to manage this process is to create new WhatsApp groups for you, the parent(s) or guardian(s) to join. We will remove last season’s WhatsApp groups at the end of August. The Micro/Starfish group will remain the same.
Please ensure that you join the correct WhatsApp group(s) for your child(ren) by calculating how old your child(ren) will be on the 1st October 2020 and then mapping that age onto the groups below.

Under 10 Age Group (The Yellow Nelson)
Age 1st October: 8 or 9 years old
Click on this link to add yourself to this age group.
Under 12 Age Group (The Pink Nelson)
Age 1st October: 10 or 11 years old
Click on this link to add yourself to this group.
Under 14 Age Group (The Orange Nelson)
Age 1st October: 12 or 13 years old
Click on this link to add yourself to this group.
Training for u13 & u14
The training for the u13’s and u14’s is set to begin on this coming Sunday, 23 August 2020. More details will be sent out on the WhatsApp group for this age group. Julian and his team are planning some exciting events and training programs to get our older nippers amped and ready for the season.
Parents volunteers needed
The 20/21 season is all about the “FHSLSC family”. We want to spread the load and the FUN! With each family offering at least one parent or caregiver to do one of these jobs excellently we can and will be an unstoppable force, just like a well-oiled family. Let us ALL be part of something wonderful, we can’t do this alone!
Please follow this link to the Google Form and see where you might be able to volunteer. The google form does not commit you to anything, it will just give us an idea of who can help where!
Nippers Craft are revamped
A huge thank you to Gus and his team for revamping the Nippers craft storage space at the club. The body boards, Malibu’s, buoys, and age-group poles are now clearly displayed and easier to access. Another fantastic job in preparation for the upcoming season.
Upcoming Events:
- Nippers Open Day – Date still to be confirmed
Hoping to see you all on the beach very soon!
Kindest Regards,
The Fish Hoek Nipper Team