Fish Hoek Surf Lifesaving edition
*Please read this document carefully if you are interested as it has lots of key information
Come join us as we tackle the infamous Coolangata gold!
Fish Hoek Surf will be hosting the Virtual Coolangata Gold where we will be organising a course,
safety, and racing vests from Australia. There will be two courses, a long course and short course.
You may enter as an individual or team (teams can consist of 2 to 4 people). Please come join us!
- When: Saturday 17th October 2020
- Times: TBC, but will be early with a staggered start for teams and individuals
- Where: Fish Hoek Surf Lifesaving Club (Bad weather alternative is Simons Town)
- Courses: Courses will be lap style (Exact course to be released later, and will be weather dependant)
- Price: Individual – R200
Team – R400 - Divisions: Lifesaving spec (all lifesaving spec craft i.e. lifesaving ski and lifesaving board)
Unlimited (any non-lifesaving craft i.e. long distance board and long distance ski) - How to enter: Entries open 20th September 2020. Fill out the google form and pay online. To receive your vest you MUST ENTER BEFORE Wednesday 30 September, entries after this
date will still have to pay but will not receive a vest. (Please do NOT enter through
the Australian website, we will register you with them after you have registered with
us. This is to ensure we can get you your vest) - Prizes: There will be no category prizes, but there will be lucky draw prizes

General Information
- Please note that you will be required to adhere to COVID preventative measures such as social distancing and sanitization.
- You must have your own second/craft handler if you are entering individually
- Ski paddlers must wear a lifejacket (regardless of lifesaving spec or not)
- NO U15s may do either short or long course ski (This is a rule from Australia, please do not ask us to make exceptions here)
- We will not provide refreshments for competitors en route, please bring your own fluids and food for the race
- Timing: Please make use of a GPS watch or STRAVA to record the activity. Teams will need to use one device, handed over during transition from leg to leg
- If you wish to post on social media please use #VCG20 and #fishhoeksurf
- If you enter before the 30th of September and receive your vest from Australia please wear it on the day. If you do not enter before then you will be required to wear a pink vest for safety purposes

Join the WhatsApp Group

Please join the WhatsApp information group (barcode above):
For further information contact Fish Hoek Surf Lifesaving Club: info@fishhoeksurf.com
We hope to see you there!